The best way to find both purpose and a paycheck is to start early and take small steps to explore and prepare for jobs in career areas of potential interest. You don’t have to have it all figured out in your first year or even your last, but staying active can help you access more opportunities for success.
- Access the Four-Year Career Action Plan
Rutgers University-New Brunswick and the School of Arts and Sciences provide many types of support for your Career Journey.
- Explore courses that interest you. The keyword function on the Schedule of Classes is a great way to find courses you didn't even know were available at Rutgers.
- Discover your career interests, explore careers, build skills and pursue opportunities by visiting the Office of Career Exploration and Success.
- Work with Academic Advisors to discover majors and minors that fit your strengths and interests. Current students can schedule an appointment. Incoming students will be advised through the APA process (first-year students) and STAR Day (transfer students) prior to their first semester.
- Take the Career Explorations in Arts and Sciences course in your sophomore or junior year.
- Get involved in the many suggested experiential learning opportunities in the four-year plan, from clubs, to research, to projects, on-campus jobs, and more!