Core CC logoStudents must take two degree credit-bearing courses and meet both CCD and CCO.  For students who entered spring 2019 or earlier [CCD]/[CCO] courses will fulfill Contemporary Challenges [CC].

Diversities and Social Inequalities [CCD] (3 credits)

Students take one degree credit-bearing course (at least 3 credits) and meet at least one goal.

  • Analyze the degree to which forms of human differences and stratifications among social groups shape individual and group experiences of, and perspectives on, contemporary issues. Such differences and stratifications may include race, language, religion, ethnicity, country of origin, gender identity, sexual orientation, economic status, abilities, or other social distinctions and their intersections.
  • Analyze contemporary social justice issues and unbalanced social power systems.

Our Common Future [CCO] (3 credits)

Students must take one degree credit-bearing course that meets one or both of these goals

  • Analyze a contemporary global issue from a multi-disciplinary perspective.
  • Analyze the relationship that science and technology have to a contemporary social issue.

SAS Core courses taught each semester are available to view in the Schedule of Classes. After selecting a semester, New Brunswick, and Undergraduate and hitting "Continue", choose the tab on the left labeled "Core Code". The dropdown list will show each of the SAS Core codes. After selecting one of the options, courses will appear from all departments that fulfill that SAS Core goal.

Diversities and Social Inequalities [CCD]  

Students take one degree credit-bearing course (at least 3 credits) and meet at least one goal.

  • Analyze the degree to which forms of human differences and stratifications among social groups shape individual and group experiences of, and perspectives on, contemporary issues. Such differences and stratifications may include race, language, religion, ethnicity, country of origin, gender identity, sexual orientation, economic status, abilities, or other social distinctions and their intersections.
  • Analyze contemporary social justice issues and unbalanced social power systems.


Course # Course Title Credits Core Codes
AMESALL: African, Middles Eastern, and South Asian Languages and Literature
01:013:204 Introduction to Discourse Analysis 3 CCD, SCL
01:013:205 Cultural Forces in International Politics 3 CCD
01:013:206 Banned Books 4 CCD, AHo
01:013:217 African Immigrant Literature 3 CCD, HST
01:013:225 Global Arabic 3 CCD, AHq
01:013:226 Rhythms of Resistance: Global Hip Hop 3 CCD
01:013:285 Language and Globalization 3 CCD or CCO
01:013:304 Introduction to Translation Studies 3 CCD
01:013:307 Introduction to Postcolonial Literatures and Theories 3 CCD or CCO, AHo or AHp
01:013:308 Minorities in the Middle East 3 CCD, HST
01:013:311 Women Writers of Africa 3 CCD, AHp
01:013:325 Women Writers of the Arab World 3 CCD, AHp
Africana Studies  
01:014:103 Introduction to Africana Studies 3 CCD
01:014:104 Introduction to Afro-Latinx Studies 3 CCD or CCO
01:014:203 The Black Experience in America 3 CCD
01:014:207 Black Male Identity in the United States 3 CCD
01:014:214 Feeling Race: The Emotional Politics of Race 3 CCD
01:014:264 Black Lives Matter 3 CCD
01:014:305 Race, International Law and Empire 3 CCD
01:014:353 Black Community Law and Social Change 3 CCD
African Studies  
01:016:363 Women Writers of Africa 3 CCD, AHp
American Studies  
01:050:102 Introduction to Race and Ethnicity in America 3 CCD
01:050:210 The American Dream 3 CCD, AHp
01:050:223 Learning from the Past: Early America and the 21st Century 3 CCD, HST
01:050:245 Asian American Experience: Identity and Ethnicity 3 CCD
01:050:246 The Black Experience in America 3 CCD
01:050:248 Native American Experience 3 CCD, AHp
01:050:271 Immigrant States: Jersey's Global Routes 3 CCD, SCL
01:070:111 Extinction 4 CCD or CCO, NS
01:070:220 Politics of Food and Sex 3 CCD
01:070:223 Anthropology of Latin America 3 CCD
01:070:224 Capitalism and Debt 3 CCD
01:070:225 Gender in Global Perspective 3 CCD
01:070:242 Anthropology of the Middle East 3 CCD
01:070:248 Anthropology of China 3 CCD
01:070:303 Wealth and Culture 3 CCD
Art History  
01:082:230 Latinx Art 3 CCD
01:082:332 African American Art 3 CCD, AHp
Asian Languages & Cultures  
01:098:262 Asian American Experience: Identity and Ethnicity 3 CCD
Cinema Studies  
01:175:321 World Cinema II 3 CCD, AHp
Cognitive Science  
01:185:253 Human Nature and Human Diversity 4 CCD or CCO, AHo
Communication and Information  
04:192:446 Communication and Social Change 3 CCD, WCd
Comparative Literature  
01:195:206 Banned Books 4 CCD, AHo
01:195:220 Our World: Social Justice and the Environment 3 CCD, AHo
01:195:270 Past Today: Why Conflicts Endure - Signature course 3 CCD or CCO, AHo or AHp
01:195:303 Introduction to Translation Studies 3 CCD
01:195:307 Introduction to Postcolonial Literatures and Theories 3 CCD or CCO, AHo or AHp
01:195:321 World Cinema II 3 CCD, AHp
01:195:363 Women Writers of Africa 3 CCD, AHp
Criminal Justice  
01:202:315 Race, International Law and Empire 3 CCD
01:354:321 World Cinema II 3 CCD, AHp
Environmental Policies, Institutions and Behavior  
11:374:250 Environmental Justice 3 CCD
01:140:161 Belonging in Francophone Literature and Film 3 CCD, WCd
01:420:271 Francophilia: Literature and Sexuality in Modern France 3 CCD, WCd
Journalism and Media Studies  
04:567:215 Gender Race and Class in the Media 3 CCD
01:450:361 Gender Geographies 3 CCD
01:450:363 Geography of Development 3 CCD
01:470:369 Remembering the Holocaust 3 CCD
01:506:216 Law and History 3 CCD, HST
01:506:227 Health, Culture and Society 3 CCD or CCO
01:506:255 Science, Nature, and Empire 3 CCO, HST
01:508:203 History of Islamophobia 3 CCD
01:508:212 Israeli-Palestinian Conflict 3 CCD, HST
01:508:226 War and Violence in Africa 3 CCD. HST
01:510:269 Antisemitism 3 CCD, HST
01:510:370 Remembering the Holocaust 3 CCD
01:512:216 Famous Trials 3 CCD, HST
01:512:221 Abortion: The Collision of History, Law, Religion, Medicine, and Human Rights in the 20th and 21st Centuries 3 CCD, HST
01:512:238 History of Homelessness: Unhoused Populations in US History 3 CCD, HST
01:512:250 Natives and Newcomers: Immigration and Migration in U.S. History 3 CCD, HST
01:512:264 Black Lives Matter 3 CCD
01:512:267 History of Black Travel and Migration 3 CCD, HST
01:512:268 Plantation to White House 3 CCD, HST or SCL
01:512:342 Policing in Black Communities: From Slavery to Mass Incarceration 3 CCD, HST
Information Technology and Informatics  
04:547:340 Gender and Technology 3 CCD, WCd
Interdisciplinary Studies- Arts and Sciences  
01:556:271 Immigrant States: Jersey's Global Routes 3 CCD, SCL
International and Global Studies  
01:558:101 Global Awareness: An Introduction to International and Global Studies 3 CCD
Jewish Studies  
01:563:264 Religion and Reproduction: Jewish and Christian Experiences 3 CCD
01:563:269 Antisemitism 3 CCD, HST
01:563:282 Israeli-Palestinian Conflict 3 CCD, HST
01:563:360 Remembering the Holocaust 3 CCD
Labor Studies  
37:575:215 Youth and Work 3 CCD, SCL
37:575:265 Introduction to Disability Studies: History, Rights, Justice, and Inclusion 3 CCD
37:575:303 Black Workers in American Society 3 CCD, SCL
37:575:307 Latino Workers in the U.S. 3 CCD
37:575:309 Working Women in American Society 3 CCD, SCL
37:575:357 Social Movements, Social Change and Work 3 CCD
37:575:359 Organizing for Social Change 3 CCD
37:575:363 Labor and the Global Economy 3 CCD
37:575:364 Diversity in the Work Place 3 CCD
Management and Work  
37:624:364 Diversity & Inclusion 3 CCD
Landscape Architecture  
11:550:275 Practices of Power in the Built Environment 3 CCD
11:550:271 Agriculture and the Landscape 3 CCD
Latin American Studies  
01:590:101 Latin America: An Introduction  3 CCD, HST or SCL
Latino and Caribbean Studies  
01:595:101 Introduction to Latino Studies 3 CCD
01:595:202 Color-Lines and Borderlands 3 CCD, AHo
01:595:230 Latinx Art 3 CCD
01:595:297 Caribbean Societies 3 CCD
Middle Eastern Studies
01:685:225 Global Arabic 3 CCD, AHq
01:685:282 Israeli-Palestinian Conflict 3 CCD, HST
01:685:241 History of Islamophobia 3 CCD
01:685:306 Minorities of the Middle East 3 CCD, HST
01:685:324 Women Writers of the Arab World 3 CCD, AHp
07:700:292 Musics of the World 3 CCD, AHp
Nutritional Sciences
11:709:245 Food Customs and Nutrition Equity 3 CCD
Organizational Leadership
01:713:308 Leadership in a Diverse Workplace 3 CCD
01:730:253 Human Nature and Human Diversity 4 CCD or CCO, AHo
01:730:256 Rhymes and Reasons: Hip Hop and Philosophy 3 CCD
Political Science
01:790:264 Religion and Reproduction: Jewish and Christian Experiences 3 CCD
01:790:333 Race, Ethnicity, and Politics 3 CCD
01:790:347 Political Representation 3 CCD
01:790:356 Organizing for Social Change 3 CCD
Public Health
10:832:252 Health and Social Justice 3 CCD, SCL
01:840:105 Religions Now: 21st Century Controversies 3 CCD, AHo
01:840:220 Abortion: The Collision of History, Law, Religion, Medicine, and Human Rights in the 20th and 21st Centuries 3 CCD, HST
01:840:228 History of Islamophobia 3 CCD
01:840:263 Religion and Reproduction: Jewish and Christian Experiences 3 CCD
01:840:306 Minorities of the Middle East 3 CCD, HST
Russian & East European Languages & Literatures
01:860:270 Language and Power Behind the Iron Curtain 3 CCD
Sexualties Studies
01:888:290 Introduction to Critical Sexualities Studies 3 CCD or CCO
01:888:291 Francophilia: Literature and Sexuality in Modern France 3 CCD, WCd
Social Justice
01:904:201 Introduction to Social Justice 3 CCD
Social Work
09:910:220 Introduction to Social Work & Social Justice 3 CCD
09:910:222 Confronting Anti-Black Racism 3 CCD
09:910:224 Housing Inequality & Homelessness 3 CCD
09:910:226 Childhood Inequalities 3 CCD
09:910:228 Understanding Violence: Causes, Consequences, and Social Justice Change 3 CCD
09:910:240 Housing Inequality & Homelessness 3 CCD
01:920:103 Sociological Analysis of Social Problems 3 CCD, SCL
01:920:108 Minority Groups in American Society 3 CCD, SCL
01:920:115 The Color of Health: How Does Inequality Get Under the Skin? 4 CCD
01:920:215 Six Great Reads: Explorations in Sociology 3 CCD, SCL
01:920:226 Health, Culture and Society 3 CCD or CCO
01:920:287 Caribbean Societies 3 CCD
01:940:450 Spanish-American Theater and Social Change 3 CCD
Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies
01:988:101 Introduction to Gender, Race, and Sexuality 3 CCD or CCO
01:988:130 Knowledge and Power: Issues in Women's Leadership 3 CCD or CCO
01:988:220 Religion and Reproduction: Jewish and Christian Experiences 3 CCD
01:988:235 Dynamics of Class, Race, and Sex 3 CCD or CCO
01:988:309 Working Women in American Society 3 CCD, SCL
01:988:315 Women Writers of the Arab World 3 CCD, AHp
01:988:317 Gender and Consumption 3 CCD or CCO
01:988:447 Gender-based Violence as Human Rights Violations: Histories and Trajectories 3 CCD

Our Common Future [CCO]

Students take one degree credit-bearing course (at least 3 credits) and meet at least one goal.

  • Understand different theories about human culture, social identity, economic entities, political systems, and other forms of social organization.
  • Apply concepts about human and social behavior to particular questions or situations.
Course # Course Title Credits Core Codes
AMESALL: African, Middles Eastern, and South Asian Languages and Literature
01:013:285 Language and Globalization 3 CCO or CCD
01:013:305 Languages in Peril 3 CCO
01:013:307 Introduction to Postcolonial Literatures and Theories 3 CCO or CCD, AHo or AHp
Africana Studies
01:014:104 Introduction to Afro-Latinx Studies 3 CCO or CCD
American Studies
 01:050:316 Twenty-First Century Writing  3 CCO, AHp
01:070:111 Extinction 4 CCO or CCD, NS
01:070:203 Climate Change, Disaster, and Reconstruction 3 CCO
01:070:283 French Gastronomy and Global Food Culture 3 CCO, HST
01:070:324 Globalization, Sex, and Families 3 CCO
Art History
01:082:101 Building the Future: An Introduction to Architecture 3 CCO, AHp
01:082:118 Looking at Twenty First-Century World History 3 CCO, HST
Asian Languages and Cultures
01:098:250 Global East Asia 4 CCO, HST or SCL
01:098:255 Heroism 4 CCO, AHp
Biological Sciences
01:119:150  Biology, Society, and Biomedical Issues 3 CCO, NS
01:119:154  Genetics, Law, and Social Policy 3 CCO, NS
01:119:155  Human Genetics 3 CCO, NS
01:119:160  Biology, Society and Ecological Issues 3 CCO, NS
11:126:111 Ethical and Scientific Challenges in Biotechnology 3 CCO, NS
01:160:127 Impact of Chemistry 3 CCO, NS
Cinema Studies
Cognitive Science
01:185:253 Human Nature and Human Diversity 4 CCD or CCO, AHo
Comparative Literature
01:195:270 Past Today: Why Conflicts Endure 3 CCO or CCD, AHo or AHp
01:195:271 Resisting Petrocapitalism: Pacific Women against Climate Collapse 3 CCO
01:195:272 Russia: Between Empire and Nation 4 CCO, AHp
01:195:296 A Cultural History of Artificial Intelligence 3 CCO, AHo
01:195:307 Introduction to Postcolonial Literatures and Theories 3 CCO or CCD, AHo or AHp
Computer Science
01:198:142 Data 101 4 CCO, QQ or QR
01:198:143 Data 101 3 CCO, QQ or QR
01:198:405 Seminar in Computers and Society 3 CCO, WCd
01:220:120 Inequality 3 CCO, SCL
01:354:205 Cinema Today 4 CCO, AHp
01:358:205 The Coming Apocalypse 4 CCO, AHp
01:358:207 Writing after the End of the World 4 CCO, AHp
01:358:275 The Cultural History of Now 3 CCO, AHp
01:359:207 Data and Culture 3 CCO, AHp
European Studies
01:360:320 Politics and Social Policy: Lessons from Europe 3 CCO
Environmental Studies
01:381:101 Introduction to Environmental Studies 3 CCO
01:420:251 France and the World - the World in France 3 CCO, AHp
01:420:283 French Gastronomy and Global Food Culture 3 CCO, HST
01:447:354 Social, Legal and Ethical Implications of the New Genetics 3 CCO
01:447:384 Genetic Analysis I 4 CCO
01:450:101 Earth Systems 3 CCO, NS
01:450:102 Transforming the Global Environment 3 CCO, NS
01:450:208 Maps, Power, and the Digital World 3 CCO
01:450:214 Conservation 4 CCO, SCL
01:450:250 Cities  4 CCO, SCL
01:450:280 Understanding COVID-19: Interdisciplinary Perspectives 4 CCO
01:450:341 South Asia 3 CCO
01:450:370 Climate Change and Society 3 CCO
Geological Sciences
01:460:110 Sea Change: The rise and fall of sea level and the Jersey shore 3 CCO, NS
01:460:111 Solving the Climate Crisis 3 CCO, NS
01:460:120 Introduction to Oceanography 3 CCO, NS
01:460:203 Building and Maintaining a Habitable Planet 3 CCO, NS
01:460:204 The Water Planet 3 CCO, NS
01:460:207 Earth Resources and Sustainability 3 CCO, NS
01:460:222 Planet Mars, the Next Frontier 3 CCO, NS
01:460:224 Geology of the Moons and Planets 3 CCO, NS
01:506:218 Terrorism 3 CCO, HST
01:506:226 Contemporary Challenges in International Health 3 CCO, HST
01:506:227 Health, Culture and Society 3 CCD or CCO
01:506:233 History of the Future 3 CCO, HST
01:506:249 Climate Politics: A Deep History 3 CCO, HST
01:506:250 Science, Collecting, and Power 3 CCO, HST
01:506:260 Wars, Wayfarers and the Wall: A History of the U.S.-Mexican Border 3 CCO, HST
01:508:110 Political Islam: Present and Past 3 CCO, HST
01:510:268 Fascism 3 CCO, HST
01:510:277 Russia: Between Empire and Nation 3 CCO, AHp
01:512:237 Data & American Society: From Almanacs to Algorithms 3 CCO, HST
Interdisciplinary Studies
01:556:143 Energy and Climate Change 4 CCO, NS
Jewish Studies
01:563:100 Introduction to the Modern Middle East 3 CCO, SCL
01:565:215  A-Bomb Literature & Film in Japan 3 CCO, AHp
Latino and Caribbean Studies
01:595:100 Introduction to Caribbean Studies 3 CCO
Immigration and Society
01:595:333 Caribbean Religion 3 CCO, SCL, WCr
Middle Eastern Studies
01:685:100 Introduction to the Modern Middle East 3 CCO, SCL
01:685:110 Political Islam: Present and Past 3 CCO, HST
01:730:253 Human Nature and Human Diversity 4 CCD or CCO, AHo
01:750:140  The Greenhouse Effect 3 CCO, NS
Political Science
01:790:120  Inequality 4 CCO, SCL
01:790:313  Political Economy of East Asia 3 CCO
01:790:318  Comparative Public Policy 3 CCO
01:790:320  Politics and Social Policy: Lessons from Europe 3 CCO
01:790:353 Ending Civil War and Building Peace 3 CCO
01:830:123  Soul Beliefs: Causes and Consequences 4 CCO, HST
01:840:101  Gods, Myths, and Religions in a Secular Age 3 CCO, AHo
01:840:125  Political Islam: Present and Past 3 CCO, HST
01:840:333  Caribbean Religion  3 CCO, WCR
Russian and East European Languages and Literatures
01:860:272 Russia: Between Empire and Nation 4 CCO, AHp
Sexualties Studies
01:888:290 Introduction to Critical Sexualities Studies 3 CCD or CCO
01:920:225 Immigration and Society 3 CCO, SCL
01:920:226 Health, Culture and Society 3 CCD or CCO
01:920:240 Normality and Abnormality 4 CCO, SCL
01:920:273 War: Critical Perspectives 3 CCO, SCL
01:940:363 Bilingualism in the Spanish-Speaking World 3 CCO
01:940:462 Environment and Literature in Hispanic Culture 3 CCO
01:960:142 Data 101 4 CCO, QQ or QR
Study Abroad
01:XXX:XXX Study Abroad Program - Full Time 12cr or more in a Fall or Spring term, or 6cr or more in a Summer term. XX CCO
Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies
01:988:101 Introduction to Gender, Race, and Sexuality 3 CCD or CCO
01:988:130 Knowledge and Power: Issues in Women's Leadership 3 CCD or CCO
01:988:235 Dynamics of Class, Race, and Sex 3 CCD or CCO
01:988:261 Resisting Petrocapitalism: Pacific Women against Climate Collapse 3 CCO
01:988:270 War: Critical Perspectives 3 CCO, SCL
01:988:317 Gender and Consumption 3 CCO or CCD
01:988:337 Globalization, Sex, and Families 3 CCO
Communication and Information
04:189:103 Information Technology and Informatics 3 CCO
04:189:210 Disinformation Detox in Communication, Media, and Information Studies 3 CCO
04:189:353 Digital Technology and Disruptive Change 3 CCO
04:192:354 Communication and Technology 3 CCO, WCd
04:192:432 Communication, Technology and Society 3 CCO
Information Technology and Informatics
04:547:111 The Internet and the Information Environment: A Quantitative 3 CCO, QR
04:547:220  Retrieving and Evaluating Electronic Information 3 CCO
05:300:350 Education and Computers 3 CCO
Mason Gross
07:557:121 Introduction to Environmental Arts 3 CCO
11:115:100 Molecules of Life: Biochemistry for Everyone 3 CCO, NS
Ecology, Evolution and Natural Resources
11:216:115 Evolution of Sex & Gender in Animals 3 CCO, NS
11:216:317 Conservation Ecology 3 CCO, WCd
11:370:250 Insects & the Environment 3 CCO, NS
Environmental and Business Economics
11:373:101 Economics, People, and the Environment 3 CCO, SCL
11:373:431 International Trade Policy 3 CCO
Environmental Policies, Institutions and Behavior
11:374:101 Introduction to Human Ecology 3 CCO, SCL
11:374:115 Water and Society 3 CCO, SCL
11:374:175 Energy and Society 3 CCO, SCL
11:374:279 Politics of Environmental Issues 3 CCO, SCL
Environmental Sciences
11:375:101 Introduction to Environmental Science 3 CCO, NS
11:375:197 Environmental Science Literacy 3 CCO
Food Science
11:400:107 Foods from Field to Table 3 CCO
Landscape Architecture
11:550:230 Environmental Design Analysis 3 CCO, AHp
Environmental Planning and Design
11:573:202 Environmental Issues in the United States 3 CCO, WCd
Marine and Coastal Sciences
11:628:114 Science, Psuedoscience and Society 3 CCO, NS
11:628:120 Introduction to Oceanography 3 CCO, NS
11:628:204 The Water Planet 3 CCO, NS
11:628:221 Human Interactions with the Coastal Ocean 3 CCO, NS
11:680:101 Living in the Microbial World 3 CCO, NS
11:680:103 Microbiology of Agricultural Products in New Jersey 3 CCO, NS
Nutritional Sciences
11:709:255 Nutrition and Health 3 CCO, NS
Plant Sciences
11:772:201 Plant and People Relationships  3                      CCO           
Labor Studies
37:575:110 Work, Society, and the Quality of Life 3 CCO, SCL
37:575:301 Labor Movements and Democracy 3 CCO
37:575:302 Comparative Social and Labor Legislation 3 CCO