Quick Questions
Connect with an academic advisor through Live Chat. You will be able to ask a question or two online. If the academic advisor requires more time, an appointment will be recommended.
- Submit major and minor declaration online @ mymajor.sas.rutgers.edu.
- Change your graduation date @ mygraddate.sas.rutgers.edu.
- Submit Transfer Course Preapproval forms to take non-Rutgers courses.
- Get help with registration.
- Get help with forms.
- Senior check.
- Take a semester off – discuss your Leave of Absence and plan for return.
- Learn how to use online tools.
Advising Appointments
You are encouraged to meet with an advisor at least once a semester to discuss interests and long term plans.
Your virtual appointment will be online via Zoom and may be with any SAS Academic Advisor. Your meeting will be 20-30 minutes in length, so arrive to your appointment prepared. In order for your appointment to be productive:
- Be on time. We recommend that you log in 5 minutes before your scheduled time. The advisor will join you when your appointment begins.
- Arrive with questions for discussion.
- Ask for advice on course registration and academic planning.
- Discuss degree requirements, including SAS Core, Majors, and Minors.
- Plan a reasonable and timely graduation date.
- Post-grad planning.
During pre-registration, have a list of proposed courses for the next semester, including alternatives. We encourage you to use planning tools such as Degree Navigator, WebReg, and Course Schedule Planner to review any pre-requisites or restrictions on courses you are interested in taking.