Alumni, parents and friends often support scholarships in the School of Arts and Sciences (SAS) in appreciation for the educational experience that Rutgers provides and to express gratitude for financial assistance they may themselves have received. Scholarships awarded based on financial need, academic merit, or a combination of both are available to students who have completed the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Nearly 175 of the over 250 scholarships in SAS are endowed funds, which provide support for students today and for generations to come.
Scholarship and funding resources available for SAS students include:
- SAS Excellence Award
- Financial Aid
- Departmental Awards
- External Sources of Funding
Incoming Students
Scholarships for all incoming students are awarded through the Office of University Undergraduate Admissions at the time of admission to Rutgers. Contact:
Continuing Students
Scholarships for continuing SAS students are awarded through the School of Arts and Sciences Scholarship Office.
The selection process is rigorous and competitive. To receive an award, an applicant must have not only an excellent academic record, but recipients must have a strong record of service to the university and/or the community, and must submit outstanding essays.
To be eligible for an invitation to apply, a student must meet the following criteria:
- Enrollment in School of Arts and Sciences – New Brunswick in Fall and Spring semesters;
- Meet the minimum cumulative GPA (determined by the scholarship committee) established at the end of the Spring semester. The minimum cumulative GPA for the academic year is subject to change from year to year.
Students are invited to apply for the SAS Excellence Award program based on the established minimum GPA. Invitations are emailed to eligible students via their official Rutgers email address and will be sent in mid-June.
For additional assistance, please contact the SAS Scholarship Office at
Office of Financial Aid
The Rutgers University Office of Financial Aid handles all FAFSA-related matters. For information, go to All students are encouraged to submit a FAFSA. If you have received financial aid, but want to be considered for additional aid, go to for information.
Academic Departments
Academic departments often have scholarships to award to students completing the major in that field. For information, contact the Main Office of the department in which you are majoring. For a complete list of SAS majors, see the ad on the left of this page.
External Sources of Funding
Information about funding sources outside of Rutgers University can be found at the following sites:
- (HESAA: Higher Education Student Assistance Authority)
- (a free comprehensive source of student financial aid information)
- Listed below are just a few of the online databases containing a search engine of scholarships:
A useful book is The Scholarship Book, Daniel Cassidy.
Please note: This listing of external resources is provided as a courtesy for incoming and current students. These websites are not affiliated with Rutgers University.
SAS Scholarship Office:
Office of Undergraduate Education
Ruth Adams Building, Room 108E
131 George St.
Douglass Campus
ph: 848-932-2274