Staying on the Road to Your Academic Success

Every student will face challenges at least once during their academic careers. How we respond to these difficulties is what is most important. Our goal in Academic Standing, and SAS Advising at large, is to help you identify ways to overcome obstacles and grow.

You may have encountered academic trouble for many reasons both academic and non-academic. Sometimes the problem is obvious, such as relying on high school/former college study strategies that do not suit the demands of SAS, poor time management, or simply not regularly attending class.  Sometimes the problem is not as obvious, such as an undiagnosed learning disability, substance abuse, or depression. At the first sign of trouble, you may have assumed you would rebound on the next exam, or you may not have known what to do or who to talk to until it was too late, only then to be faced with the academic consequences of failing to take action. It does not have to be this way for you!

It is not how you start that matters. It is how you finish.

Come talk to an SAS Academic Advisor and get back on the road to your Success at SAS.


It is not how many times you fall down; it is how many times you get up, that will determine your success.